2013年12月19日 星期四

The Capitol Building

23 relief portraits are over the gallery doors of the House Chamber, those were the people who work in establishing the principles that underlie American law. One of them grabbed my eye, well it's the first one I saw, it was the portrait of Tomas Jefferson. The first thing I connected to was a nickel...... the only difference were the portrait was facing the opposite way and didn't have the "In God We Trust" on the side the rest looked the same. 

There are actually a lot of art and architecture that shows democracy in or on the capitol building, for example the Progress of Civilization on the East front Senate entrance with a figure of America in the middle and to the right was the early days of America then on the left were more civilized people. Another one was the Apotheosis of Democracy on the East front of the House entrance, a figure representing peace in the center and industry on the left agriculture on the right.

